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A member registered Jul 26, 2020

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I miss the Refill Energy cards being in the normal pool of cards, honestly. The early game is a lot harder now, and more up to chance.

I had two QoL suggestions;

I think a sound cue when you've recharged 1 energy would be great (maybe even a specific note for 1, 2, 3, and 4 energy, etc.), so you can simply listen for when to fire rather than sometimes needing to flick your eyes down and up to see.

I actually reckon the 'enemy kill' counter in the bottom left and the 'energy level' in the bottom right should swap their visuals. It seems like a number counter for enemies killed makes more sense, as does a recharging circle or bar to indicate how much energy you have at a quick glance. Maybe the 'vessel' could be divided into four sections or quadrants that you can see slowly filling up.

The 'refill energy' card seems to be one of the cards you can unlock with the 'unlocks after 3 levels' card. I miss the Refill Energy cards being in the normal pool of cards though! I agree that it makes the early game much more difficult and up to chance.

Love the game! I think I crashed it though - music is still going but the screen has gone black and unresponsive.

I had the moveset of Pummel, Copy, and Close, and I was up against a Stop Sign. The Stop Sign used Stop on my Pummel. I used Copy to use Stop on their Stop move (turning it to a Go move).

The Stop Sign then used Go to return their Go move back to their Stop move. I wondered what would happen if I used Copy. I tried it, and the text did get to the point of describing 'You use Copy. You use Go' but then, like I said, black unresponsive screen.

Very fun otherwise!